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Amvic Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)

Amvic’s innovative, reversible ICF blocks are among the strongest on the market with specially designed webs creating a poured concrete monolithic wall, making it a structurally superior way to build.

Ampex: Insulated Radiant Floor Heating Panel

The combination of molding expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation, one of the highest performing energy efficient insulation materials available today, with a High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) film, makes for a strong and resilient Ampex panel.

SilveRboard® Graphite

Graphite polystyrene (GPS) rigid board insulation with double-sided reflective film that improves thermal comfort and energy efficiency.

Envirostrap: Rigid Foam Insulation

Envirostrap is a rigid insulation board made from closed cell Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) with two integrated furring strips on one side. This highly effective combination of materials offers a 2-in-1 solution incorporating insulation and finish attachment surfaces that can be used for both above grade and below grade interior applications.

High-Density SilveRboard: Reflective Insulation

SilveRboard is a rigid insulation board made from Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) covered with a layer of polypropylene reflective lamination on both sides. This highly effective combination of materials offers high compressive strength and great thermal performance when used in below grade and under slab applications.

We offer a wide variety, so you can choose any and we’ll make it available to you.

Innovative and sustainable insulation building solutions designed to maximize energy efficiency, comfort, ease of installation and cost savings.